Monthly Archives: August 2012

Don’t let limitations limit what you do

So many people give excuse after excuse as to why they can’t do what God asks of them. Excuse after excuse such as, I’m not at the right place, I’m only a …., or I don’t know where to start. Here’s what i say to that:

  1. I’m not at the right place: So many of us that the situation we are in prevents us from spreading Gods word. Yes you may have it rough financially right now or you might be frustrated at work, but there are still things you can do. You can volunteer at a soup kitchen or visit a homeless shelter. You think you have rough, try living under a bridge, the unfortunate people in this situation must feel like they are  forgotten souls and even just taking the time to visit with them will show them that someone cares enough to spend time with them and that time you are with them is your opportunity to share the love of God..
  2. I’m only…. : We think our occupation dictates our abilities. So what if you are a gas station attendant, busboy, dishwasher, janitor, mechanic, etc. If this is all you know how to do then pray and ask God how to use this to influence those around you.
  3. I don’t know where to start:If you feel a calling on your heart and don’t know where to start you can:

    Pray:Tell God, “God I feel a calling to do more with my life, please show me what that calling is and how to get started.

    Talk to your pastor: You can talk to your pastor/elders and see if there are areas/needs in your church that you can fulfill.

    Look at what you have: David didn’t worry about only having five stones, no he used those stones to deliver his people from their enemy. A boy gave 2 loaves and 5 fish and fed 5,000 people, Moses had only a staff and he parted the Red Sea. My point is we all have different abilities and tools. When you take the time to look at what you have, you will see that you have all you need to accomplish God’s plan for you.

God doesn’t all called those who are equipped, but he does equip those he calls. Remember the old saying, if God calls you to it then he will see you through it.

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Posted by on August 19, 2012 in Uncategorized


Are standing by?

I started reading the book “Kingdom Men” and discovered something I hadn’t noticed in the bible before. The book mentioned that in the garden of Eden when Eve was corrupted by the serpent, Adam was there. Genesis 3:6 states “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.”

So even though her husband knew as well as she did to leave the fruit alone, he sat by idly while his wife was tempted and he allowed himself to be corrupted as well.

How many times do men do this today? We sit back and let our children run wild because we don’t want to hear them complain. We let our daughters dress like grown women and think nothing of it.

We ignore our wives and allow them to get tempted by serpents and then blame our wives for it when they aren’t to blame.

As fathers we want our daughters to choose a man who will be a good husband/father who will lead their family. How will your daughter know what to look for if you don’t give her an example.

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Posted by on August 11, 2012 in Uncategorized


Chik fil a

The whole chik-fil-a appreciation day made me both proud to be a christian and bummed.

1. I was proud because: christians banded together to defend their beliefs and principles. I don’t feel that Dan Cathy should have been ostricized for stating his beliefs. I mean he said nothing hateful to anyone, I would have no problem with a muslim, jewish person or any other person stating their belief in a peaceful manner as long as they were opening to discuss it.

I am was proud that Christians stood united, but let me ask this questions, why don’t we stand together on other matters, such as volunteering for church projects or cleaning up the smut and violence in the programming that our children are exposed to.

2. I was bummed because: The chik-fil-a stand made us look like a bunch of close-minded bullies. Jesus would not have drawn a line in the sand to say christians on this side, homosexuals on this side. Jesus would have sit with them all. Jesus shared many meals with drunkards, thieves, and other kinds of sinners. We as Christians are called to model our lives after Jesus, I definitely don’t feel this was accomplished that day

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Posted by on August 5, 2012 in Uncategorized

Angie Brock's Portfolio

Articles from The Athens News and Ohio University's online publication "Compass"